Breaking Dawn-klippen från Comic Con i bättre kvalitet?

The Hollywood News har avslöjat att de två klipp som visades på Comic Con (de som blev filmade direkt från storskärmar, men som ínte kommit ut i bra kvalitet) kommer att dyka upp på Internet i bra kvalitet nästa vecka!

Breaking Dawn bd clips 280x328 The Two Breaking Dawn Part 1 Clips To Hit The Web Next Week? bella swan
Onto day two and straight into the EOne Panel which saw us promised some clips from TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 1. We had a bit of an issue in terms of getting to the two clips, but indeed they came just as the Sony panel was about to begin. Saturday was the day that we started live blogging the event and yes, we ran into a little bit of trouble in being allowed to do this during the Sony panel which we respect 100%, but that did affect us nearly missing said two TWILIGHT clips. They did come, and we were allowed to stay to see them (from the live blog)."
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Postat av: twilight beroende ung morsa!

LOVA att du lägger upp dom! :D hittade din blogg igår och kommer definitivt följa den! finns det nåt bättre än twilight ;)

2011-08-17 @ 22:09:39

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