Inspelningen av The Host är nu påbörjad

Den 13 februari drog äntligen inspelningen av Stephenie Meyers The Host igång! Det känns underbart att ha ännu en film att se framemot, eller hur? Jag kan knappt bärga mig!

Stephenie meddelade detta på sin hemsida den 11 februari. Läs allt hon har skrivit här. Nedan är ett utdrag från texten.

The Host

”The Host begins filming this coming Monday the thirteenth, and I am so excited. It’s somewhat of a dream to have the creator and director of my favorite sci-fi film (Gattaca) helming this movie. I love the script he’s written, I love his beautiful vision, and I love working with him”.

”I also can’t say strongly enough how thrilled I am with our cast. The talent involved is unbelievable. We’ve been so blessed/lucky/kissed-by-fate all throughout the casting process. Wanda/Melanie is a very complicated role, and for a long time one of our biggest worries in the producer camp was finding an actress who could bring those two distinct personalities to life. And then Saoirse came along and we all quit worrying”.

”After Saoirse joined us, amazing actor after amazing actor signed on until none of us could believe our good fortune. Just the other day I got to meet William Hurt (!!) in full Jeb beard and hair, and it kind of choked me up. He looks amazing—they all look amazing!—and I can’t wait to see them in action next week.”

”Last week I got to tour the caves, too. They aren’t finished yet, but wow! I’ve gotten to be on some fun builds before—the Eclipse mountaintop, the Cullen house, the Volturi tower, Edward and Bella’s cottage (love!)—but nothing like this. It’s massive and beautiful, and walking around inside is like walking around inside my imagination.”

[källa, via]


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