Stephenie Meyer har uppdaterat sin hemsida
The Host - Genom dina ögon
"The Host begins filming this coming Monday the thirteenth, and I am so excited. It's somewhat of a dream to have the creator and director of my favorite sci-fi film (Gattaca) helming this movie. I love the script he's written, I love his beautiful vision, and I love working with him. [...] Another incredible addition to our cast—one which I believe I'm the first to announce—Maggie will be played by the wonderful Frances Fisher. Welcome, Frances, I couldn't be happier that you've chosen to join us!"
Breaking Dawn del 1 och 2
"Some of my favorite memories from filming BD 1&2, in random order:
- Weathering a "white squall" off the coast of Paraty, Brazil with the cast and crew during the filming of the honeymoon. We got trapped for the night due to rough seas—roughly 130 people in a house with eight beds, no food, and a very small amount of drinking water. I spent the night on the stair landing, sharing an old mattress covered in blackout fabric with the set photographer, set publicist, and the EPK team. (Shout out to the stair gang! Never forget!) I was actually offered a chance to escape, as was Bill Condon, but we both decided to go down with ship rather than abandon our crew.
- Exploring the third version of the Cullen House, a.k.a. Howl's Moving Castle, now bigger and better than ever. Finally getting to see Alice's room was awesome.
- Watching the creation of a three-story wedding cake composed of dead bodies. I may or may not have climbed to the top to get a picture."
Austenland Movie
"Have you ever read a book and thought to yourself, 'This would be a great movie! I would love to see a movie of this story'?
That is exactly how Austenland the movie got started for me. My good pal Shannon sent me her first adult novel (by which I mean not written for children; sometimes people misunderstand that description), and I loved it. It was funny and romantic and I could see it all so clearly. What a great movie it would be. Shannon and I talked about how much fun it would be to take a video camera to England and film it ourselves, possibly using sock puppets for actors. We agreed that we would do so in ten years. [...] It's still going to be a while before Austenland makes its way toward theaters, but I will be sure to let you know when it gets close. In the meantime, here's a fun article from Screen Daily:"
Jag skriver om fler uppdateringar senare.
Stephenie Meyer är med i Breaking Dawn-trailern
Personligen tycker jag att det är roligt när grundaren till historien är med i filmatiseringarna!

Viktigt: Stephenie Meyer om BD-bilderna som läckte ut
Så här säger Stephenie Meyer
In a statement released on Facebook last Saturday, the author of the Twilight series, Stephenie Meyer, pleaded with fans not to release any more photos from the films to be released at the end of this year, and the final in 2012.
“Please, for those who are posting, stop. And please, though the temptation is high, don’t view or pass on these images. Wait for the film in its beautiful, finished entirety to thrill you.”
That was the request was backed up by director, Bill Condon and Producer Wyck Godfrey."
Svensk översättning:
"Idag blev bilderna raderade från YouTube efter det att ett upphovsrättsanspråk utfärdades av producenterna av de slutliga filmerna i Twilight-serien, "Breaking Dawn".
I ett uttalande som släpptes på Facebook i söndags, bad författaren av Twilight-serien, Stephenie Meter, fans att inte vidareberfodra (d.v.s. lägga upp på bloggar, hemsidor etc.) några bilder från filmerna som släpps i slutet av detta år, och slutligen 2012.
"Snälla, till de som postar de här bilderna, sluta. Och snälla, även om frestelsen är stor, tittade inte på eller vidareberfodra dessa bilder. Vänta på att filmen i sin vackra, färdiga helhet får dig att rysa av spänning."
Det var den begäran som backades upp av regissören Bill Condon och producenten Wyck Godfrey."
© Jag, Maria, har översatt texten själv och därför har jag satt copyright på den. Den engelska texten får du däremot kopiera, men glöm aldrig att skriva mig som källa/via!
Intervju med USA Today
USA Today har intervjuat Stephenie Meyer. Det var länge sedan man fick läsa en intervju med henne, så äntligen!
Hon pratar om alla möjliga intressanta saker: om Breaking Dawn, böcker hon håller på att skriva, att det kanske blir en till bok om Jacobs och Renesmees liv och boken The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide som kommer ut om ca två veckor.
Här kan ni läsa hela intervjun, detta är bara ett utdrag från den.
OBS! Av någon anledning blir inte texten vit, så för att läsa markerar du det svarta tomrummet nedan. Ledsen för det.
Meyer, relaxed and happy to share, tells them plenty:
•On the illustrated guide: “My favorite part is the vampire histories. There’s a lot there that’s new. Alice’s (Cullen) back story is one no one has known until now. And I think fans will be surprised at how much fun (Cullen nemesis) Victoria’s story is.”
•On whether she’ll ever write more books about Edward and Bella: “The story’s already been told, and I doubt I’ll ever write another series based on the same characters.”
•On the possibility she’d ever finish Midnight Sun, a Twilight novel told from Edward’s viewpoint that she nixed when parts of it were leaked online in 2008: “I’m hoping to do it someday because I know that’s what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they’ll want Midnight Sun, but I’m just not writing about vampires right now.”
•On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: “It’s a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There’s a little bit of magic, but it’s a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don’t. It’s pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she’s kind of cool.”
•On another book she might complete and publish: “When I was growing up, I was obsessed with mermaids. I do have a very elaborate outline for a book. I’m not working on it right now, but I have the feeling it’s going to be big. It’s going to be 1,000 pages.”
•On the second book in her three-book adult science-fiction series that began with The Host in 2008: “I have the outline written and the first two chapters. I need to get on it.”
What Meyer says about the filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, which because of the expansive story line is being told in two parts. (Part 1 is scheduled for release Nov. 18 and Part 2 in November 2012):
•The much-anticipated wedding of Edward and Bella has not been filmed yet, but Stewart is being fitted for the as-yet-unrevealed bridal gown. “It’s such an interesting mix,” says Meyer. “It has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there’s an edge to it. It’s really beautiful. And then on Kristen — oh, she looks amazing in clothes —and in that dress she’s so lithe and unbelievable.”
•On working with Pattinson and Lautner: “Rob is more like Jacob than Edward. He’s goofy, he’s funny, he doesn’t take much seriously. But he can turn Edward on like that (she snaps her fingers) when he needs to be Edward. Taylor’s who we hang out with most. He’s a lot like fun, happy Jacob.”
•On her expanded role as co-producer of the two new movies: “The big difference is just being there and seeing everything. I feel I’ve seen so much of the movie and really understand what it will look like. There are still a lot of compromises. That hasn’t changed. It doesn’t make a huge difference, but I have a producer credit, which is crazy.”
One question she won’t answer: whether the werewolf/shape shifter Jacob and Renesmee, the human/vampire hybrid child of Edward and Bella, could ever have children. (Jacob is a teenager, but baby Renesmee is aging at an accelerated rate.) “That is a question I’m reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I’ll go back to their story.”
Fans, says Meyer, can expect a surprising performance when Stewart transforms from human to vampire. “She’s created a new character. I was really impressed. I’ve only really seen her as (the human) Bella, so to have her step up and change it in the right way — she didn’t have to talk to me. She knew. She knows the character so well now. She has really good instincts, and she looks amazing.”
On the filming of the birth of Bella and Edward’s baby, Renesmee, which in the novel is frightening and horrific, she says, “I’ve only seen a rough cut and there are pieces missing, but I don’t feel like it’s graphic. You’re not seeing it, but you know what’s happened. It’s emotional. It doesn’t feel horror-ish. There’s blood, probably the most blood we’ve ever seen in the series. But everything’s in flux; we’ll see in the final cut.