Jag åker bort idag (söndag 26/2) och kommer hem nästa söndag (3/3) så bloggen kommer nog inte att uppdateras. Jag kanske hinner med ett eller två inlägg, vi får se.
Ha ett bra sportlov!
Hälsningar Twilight i blodet
Svar på fråga
Tacksam för svar!:)
Svar: De har helt enkelt sminkat dit det. I alla fall i ansiktet. Ibland använde de även en docka som föreställde Bella. Professionellt, inte sant?
Jamie Campbell Bower presenterar vinnaren på BAFTA Film Awards
Ny bild från Snow White and the Huntsman
Dakota Fanning: Ny poster för "Now Is Good"

Robert Pattinson på premiären av "Bel Ami"
Dagens bilder 2012-02-20

Wyck Godfrey på Twitter

Även Taylor Lautner har ett eget Twitter-konto som han gjorde officiellt i en intervju. Jag kommer dock inte ihåg vad hans Twitter är.
Nomineringar till Kids' Choice Awards 2012

- Amy Adams ("The Muppets")
- Kristen Stewart ("The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, del 1")
- Sofia Vergara (The Smurfs ")
- Emma Watson (Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna, del 2 ")
- Jessica Alba
- Tom Cruise
- Kelly Kelly
- Taylor Lautner
Best book:
- Saga "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"
- Saga "Harry Potter"
- Saga "The Hunger Games"
- Saga "Twilight"
Man kan börja rösta den 24 februari. Galan sänds den 31 mars. Rösta här (jag kommer även att påminna er den 24 februari, då röstningen börjar).
Alla hjärtans dag-hälsning: "I love you"
I början ser vi Robert Pattinson i New Moon. Även Taylor Lautner skymtas första hundradels sekunden i videon, haha.
Inspelningen av The Host är nu påbörjad
Stephenie meddelade detta på sin hemsida den 11 februari. Läs allt hon har skrivit här. Nedan är ett utdrag från texten.

”The Host begins filming this coming Monday the thirteenth, and I am so excited. It’s somewhat of a dream to have the creator and director of my favorite sci-fi film (Gattaca) helming this movie. I love the script he’s written, I love his beautiful vision, and I love working with him”.
”I also can’t say strongly enough how thrilled I am with our cast. The talent involved is unbelievable. We’ve been so blessed/lucky/kissed-by-fate all throughout the casting process. Wanda/Melanie is a very complicated role, and for a long time one of our biggest worries in the producer camp was finding an actress who could bring those two distinct personalities to life. And then Saoirse came along and we all quit worrying”.
”After Saoirse joined us, amazing actor after amazing actor signed on until none of us could believe our good fortune. Just the other day I got to meet William Hurt (!!) in full Jeb beard and hair, and it kind of choked me up. He looks amazing—they all look amazing!—and I can’t wait to see them in action next week.”
[källa, via]”Last week I got to tour the caves, too. They aren’t finished yet, but wow! I’ve gotten to be on some fun builds before—the Eclipse mountaintop, the Cullen house, the Volturi tower, Edward and Bella’s cottage (love!)—but nothing like this. It’s massive and beautiful, and walking around inside is like walking around inside my imagination.”
Stephenie Meyer har uppdaterat sin hemsida
The Host - Genom dina ögon
"The Host begins filming this coming Monday the thirteenth, and I am so excited. It's somewhat of a dream to have the creator and director of my favorite sci-fi film (Gattaca) helming this movie. I love the script he's written, I love his beautiful vision, and I love working with him. [...] Another incredible addition to our cast—one which I believe I'm the first to announce—Maggie will be played by the wonderful Frances Fisher. Welcome, Frances, I couldn't be happier that you've chosen to join us!"
Breaking Dawn del 1 och 2
"Some of my favorite memories from filming BD 1&2, in random order:
- Weathering a "white squall" off the coast of Paraty, Brazil with the cast and crew during the filming of the honeymoon. We got trapped for the night due to rough seas—roughly 130 people in a house with eight beds, no food, and a very small amount of drinking water. I spent the night on the stair landing, sharing an old mattress covered in blackout fabric with the set photographer, set publicist, and the EPK team. (Shout out to the stair gang! Never forget!) I was actually offered a chance to escape, as was Bill Condon, but we both decided to go down with ship rather than abandon our crew.
- Exploring the third version of the Cullen House, a.k.a. Howl's Moving Castle, now bigger and better than ever. Finally getting to see Alice's room was awesome.
- Watching the creation of a three-story wedding cake composed of dead bodies. I may or may not have climbed to the top to get a picture."
Austenland Movie
"Have you ever read a book and thought to yourself, 'This would be a great movie! I would love to see a movie of this story'?
That is exactly how Austenland the movie got started for me. My good pal Shannon sent me her first adult novel (by which I mean not written for children; sometimes people misunderstand that description), and I loved it. It was funny and romantic and I could see it all so clearly. What a great movie it would be. Shannon and I talked about how much fun it would be to take a video camera to England and film it ourselves, possibly using sock puppets for actors. We agreed that we would do so in ten years. [...] It's still going to be a while before Austenland makes its way toward theaters, but I will be sure to let you know when it gets close. In the meantime, here's a fun article from Screen Daily:"
Jag skriver om fler uppdateringar senare.
Två nya klipp från Robert Pattinsons "Bel Ami"
Ashley Greene på "Live With Kelly"
Peter Facinelli på "Live with Kelly"
Ashley Greene på "Love is Louder"-event
Nya klipp från LOL (Ashley Greene)
Behind The Scenes - Breaking Dawn part 1
Dagens bild 2012-02-03

Nytt från Snow White and the Huntsman
The Hillywood Shows Breaking Dawn-parodi
Bloopers från födelsescenen
Ny poster för Robert Pattinsons "Bel Ami"

Kristen Stewart-photoshoot från 2009
Ashley Greene i Lucky Magazine
Nya Bilder från Robert Pattinsons "Bel Ami"
Dagens bild 2012-02-01

Skapandet av Breaking Dawn - Behind The Scenes
Det har nu släppts två nya videor om skapandet av de två Breaking Dawn-filmerna på Videorna går inte att bädda in, så klicka här för att se dem. De finns som små ikoner under bilden på DVD:n.