Billy Burke i Red Riding Hood

Talk about your role in Red Riding Hood.
It’s a slightly, pun the metaphor, but off the path of the fairytale and I play Red Riding Hoods drunken, misguided father. It was one of the most beautiful sets I’ve ever been on. I kind of look like the drunken jolly green giant. [laughs]
Were you excited to work with Catherine Hardwicke again?
Absolutely. I love her to death, and I always have a special place in my heart for her. When she called me and pitched me the movie and the idea, I was all in. She created the Twilight world and she did an amazing job with that, and I figured if anyone could make a picture like this, it would be her.
People are comparing this movie to Twilight. Why do you think that is?
Here’s what my guess is. There is a love triangle. There’s a young girl and two gentlemen vying for her attention. That’s probably the biggest comparison. Other than that, there’s a wolf in it. [laughs] There’s sweeping shots across the mountains in the trailer and there were some in Twilight, so I think that’s what people are looking at.
Any update you can give me on Breaking Dawn?
I’m here in Vancouver right now filming. The stache is here in all its glory. After this film, I’m not sure the stache in this form will ever return to my face. This has been a great gig for me. I don’t think that there’s any relief at all, if there were more books and more movies, I’d probably keep coming back. It’s a fun role to play and I love the peeps involved. As far as being sad, I don’t know if that’s going to happen. I’m certainly not going to be glad, though.
Fans are dying to know if the scene between Charlie and Bella after the wedding be kept in the movie?
I do have a scene with Kristen directly after the wedding, before they take off for the honeymoon.
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