Intervju med USA Today
USA Today har intervjuat Stephenie Meyer. Det var länge sedan man fick läsa en intervju med henne, så äntligen!
Hon pratar om alla möjliga intressanta saker: om Breaking Dawn, böcker hon håller på att skriva, att det kanske blir en till bok om Jacobs och Renesmees liv och boken The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide som kommer ut om ca två veckor.
Här kan ni läsa hela intervjun, detta är bara ett utdrag från den.
OBS! Av någon anledning blir inte texten vit, så för att läsa markerar du det svarta tomrummet nedan. Ledsen för det.
Meyer, relaxed and happy to share, tells them plenty:
•On the illustrated guide: “My favorite part is the vampire histories. There’s a lot there that’s new. Alice’s (Cullen) back story is one no one has known until now. And I think fans will be surprised at how much fun (Cullen nemesis) Victoria’s story is.”
•On whether she’ll ever write more books about Edward and Bella: “The story’s already been told, and I doubt I’ll ever write another series based on the same characters.”
•On the possibility she’d ever finish Midnight Sun, a Twilight novel told from Edward’s viewpoint that she nixed when parts of it were leaked online in 2008: “I’m hoping to do it someday because I know that’s what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they’ll want Midnight Sun, but I’m just not writing about vampires right now.”
•On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: “It’s a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There’s a little bit of magic, but it’s a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don’t. It’s pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she’s kind of cool.”
•On another book she might complete and publish: “When I was growing up, I was obsessed with mermaids. I do have a very elaborate outline for a book. I’m not working on it right now, but I have the feeling it’s going to be big. It’s going to be 1,000 pages.”
•On the second book in her three-book adult science-fiction series that began with The Host in 2008: “I have the outline written and the first two chapters. I need to get on it.”
What Meyer says about the filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, which because of the expansive story line is being told in two parts. (Part 1 is scheduled for release Nov. 18 and Part 2 in November 2012):
•The much-anticipated wedding of Edward and Bella has not been filmed yet, but Stewart is being fitted for the as-yet-unrevealed bridal gown. “It’s such an interesting mix,” says Meyer. “It has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there’s an edge to it. It’s really beautiful. And then on Kristen — oh, she looks amazing in clothes —and in that dress she’s so lithe and unbelievable.”
•On working with Pattinson and Lautner: “Rob is more like Jacob than Edward. He’s goofy, he’s funny, he doesn’t take much seriously. But he can turn Edward on like that (she snaps her fingers) when he needs to be Edward. Taylor’s who we hang out with most. He’s a lot like fun, happy Jacob.”
•On her expanded role as co-producer of the two new movies: “The big difference is just being there and seeing everything. I feel I’ve seen so much of the movie and really understand what it will look like. There are still a lot of compromises. That hasn’t changed. It doesn’t make a huge difference, but I have a producer credit, which is crazy.”
One question she won’t answer: whether the werewolf/shape shifter Jacob and Renesmee, the human/vampire hybrid child of Edward and Bella, could ever have children. (Jacob is a teenager, but baby Renesmee is aging at an accelerated rate.) “That is a question I’m reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I’ll go back to their story.”
Fans, says Meyer, can expect a surprising performance when Stewart transforms from human to vampire. “She’s created a new character. I was really impressed. I’ve only really seen her as (the human) Bella, so to have her step up and change it in the right way — she didn’t have to talk to me. She knew. She knows the character so well now. She has really good instincts, and she looks amazing.”
On the filming of the birth of Bella and Edward’s baby, Renesmee, which in the novel is frightening and horrific, she says, “I’ve only seen a rough cut and there are pieces missing, but I don’t feel like it’s graphic. You’re not seeing it, but you know what’s happened. It’s emotional. It doesn’t feel horror-ish. There’s blood, probably the most blood we’ve ever seen in the series. But everything’s in flux; we’ll see in the final cut.

Genom människo- och vampyrögon

Omslag för Vanity Fair (Italien)

Twitter: Justin Chon (Eric)

Twitter: Guri Weinberg (aka Stefan - BD)
Ny poster

Svensken lämnar inspelningsplatsen

Leroy sjunger för Nikki Reed
Ashley i Glamour maj

Jag vet inte varför, men jag fastnar alltid för närbilder med Ashley Greene och speciellt när hon är enkelt och tufft sminkad. Därför är den näst sista bilden helt klart min favorit. Vilken gillar du mest?
Här är framsidan.



The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Best Fight
Best Female Performance
Taylor Lautner - The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Billy Burke - Red Riding Hood
Best Line From A Movie
Rob med fans i Squamish

Tinsels och Kiowas födelsedag
Den 25/3 fyllde som sagt Tinsel Korey (Emily) och Kiowa Gordon (Embry) år. Här firar de sin födelsedag i Las Vegas tillsammans med Bronson Pelletier (Jared).
Kul att Twilightgänget hänger ihop även när det inte är inspelning pågång!

Swans hus är rivet

Twilightfan i Vancouver

Grattis Maria!
Stort grattis!

Grattis x2!
Grattis i efterskott!

Ny bild från WFE
Själv ska jag försöka gå med min kompis och se premiären. Jag börjar bli riktigt exalterad nu!

Nu gäller det också att ha koll på (i alla fall jag) för att kunna boka biljetter i tid.
Nya bilder från Water For Elephants (inspelningen)

Nu använder jag mig äntligen av Internet Explorer, så nu blir det inte lika rörigt längre.
Via twilightktr

Radbyten och Dagens citat

Undersökningar x2
Resultat för Flecking Awards 2011
Best Actress: Kristen Stewart
Best Film: Eclipse
Most Stylish Male: Robert Pattinson
Sexiest Man: Robert Pattinson
Sexiest Vampire: Robert Pattinson

With only four weeks left of filming for “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part I,” one of the key scenes left to be shot is the wedding scene between Edward and Bella. Now comes word that the scene will be shot during the first week of April in Vancouver.
The news was revealed by Gil Birmingham, who plays Billy Black, during a chat at a “Twilight Saga” fan convention in Nashville over the weekend, according Filming for “Breaking Dawn” is scheduled to wrap in mid-April, making the wedding scene one of the last in the film’s production.
Från inspelningen av Breaking Dawn.
Rob hos Jay Leno
MTV:s överraskning

Nya bilder på Cam Gigandet

Sneak peak

Nya bilder på Ashley från Revue

BD-twitter: Peter Facinelli


US weekly, Robert and Kristen

Jodelle Ferland talar om Breaking Dawns cast
Kellans födelsedag

Skal till iPhone 4
Överraskningen från MTV
Calling all Robert Pattinson fans! MTV News has a very special treat for all of you next Friday, March 18, when we’ll present an exclusive sit-down interview with Robert Pattinson and premiere a previously-unseen clip from his new movie, “Water for Elephants.”
Hosted by MTV News’ Josh Horowitz, “MTV First: Robert Pattinson” airs next Friday at 8:56 p.m. ET on MTV and Fans can tune in to see RPattz introduce the new clip, followed immediately by a live 30-minute interview with Josh on, during which the “Twilight” heartthrob will answer a few questions from fans.
Fans can begin submitting their pressing queries on Friday (March 11) on or via Twitter (using @MTVNews/ hashtag #AskRob).
Nikki om BD
BD-uppdatering från Judi Shekoni (aka Zafrina, BD)

Tsunamivarning där BD spelas in

Ny still från Water For Elephants

Grattis, Edi!

Budget och beräknad inkomst
Breaking Dawn del 1: 127,5 miljoner dollar
Breaking Dawn del 2: 136,2 miljoner dollar
Detta är en stor höjning i jämförelse med de andra filmernas budget nedan.
Twilight: 37 miljoner dollar
New Moon: 50 miljoner dollar
Eclipse: 68 miljoner dollar
Ashleys hund var attackerad


Från Kanada

Från Breaking Dawn

Anna Kendrick i Glamour Magazine

Nikki på premiären av "Red Riding Hood"

Edwards och Bellas stuga i Breaking Dawn

New Moon i Guinness!
Reports MTV, "'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' earned a place in the book for having the Highest Opening-Day Gross, $72.7 million, beating previous record holder, 'The Dark Knight.'"
The Twilight Saga: New Moon also has number one opening day and single day gross totals.
...Last year, both Twilight and its director, Catherine Hardwicke, were placed in the 2010 edition for "Highest-Grossing Movie by a Female Director."
Nya castmedlemmar
I was wondering if you can talk about your role as Garrett in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2. Can you give us any details about the character? Is he one of the Volturi?
Lee Pace: No, I’m a good guy. I join Team Cullen. I’m only in the final movie. I play Garrett, who enters the scene in the last movie. I’m having a blast with it. Bill Condon is awesome. I mean, have you ever seen a movie of his that you didn’t like?
Well, no.
Lee Pace: That’s how I felt too. These movies are what they are. It’s not my kind of movie, but I have to say, working with Bill and having him show me some stuff, it’s totally my kind of movie. It’s really cool. It’s really cool and dark. He gets Kristen (Stewart) in a really great way. She looks incredible in the movie. She looks like a movie star.
Lee Pace.
Detta är Angela Sarafyan, som ska spela Tia. Hon pratar om hur det är att jobba med castet.
Outfits till Breaking Dawn

Video från Jacobs uppbyggda hus i Vancouver
Robert på WFE-premiären

Tinsels ärr från "Sam"

Fanmade video: Breaking Dawn

Det är bekräftat att Kristen ska spela Snövit
Premiärdatum för Water For Elephants
Den är väldigt liten, men Sveriges datum (som är den 15/4) finner du nästan längst ned i den andra spalten.
Rösta på Kristen!

Billy Burke i Red Riding Hood

Talk about your role in Red Riding Hood.
It’s a slightly, pun the metaphor, but off the path of the fairytale and I play Red Riding Hoods drunken, misguided father. It was one of the most beautiful sets I’ve ever been on. I kind of look like the drunken jolly green giant. [laughs]
Were you excited to work with Catherine Hardwicke again?
Absolutely. I love her to death, and I always have a special place in my heart for her. When she called me and pitched me the movie and the idea, I was all in. She created the Twilight world and she did an amazing job with that, and I figured if anyone could make a picture like this, it would be her.
People are comparing this movie to Twilight. Why do you think that is?
Here’s what my guess is. There is a love triangle. There’s a young girl and two gentlemen vying for her attention. That’s probably the biggest comparison. Other than that, there’s a wolf in it. [laughs] There’s sweeping shots across the mountains in the trailer and there were some in Twilight, so I think that’s what people are looking at.
Any update you can give me on Breaking Dawn?
I’m here in Vancouver right now filming. The stache is here in all its glory. After this film, I’m not sure the stache in this form will ever return to my face. This has been a great gig for me. I don’t think that there’s any relief at all, if there were more books and more movies, I’d probably keep coming back. It’s a fun role to play and I love the peeps involved. As far as being sad, I don’t know if that’s going to happen. I’m certainly not going to be glad, though.
Fans are dying to know if the scene between Charlie and Bella after the wedding be kept in the movie?
I do have a scene with Kristen directly after the wedding, before they take off for the honeymoon.
HÄR kan du läsa resten av intervjun.
Detta är den senaste trailern till Red Riding Hood.
Ny trailer till Water For Elephants
Intervju med Rob
Nya bilder från Water For Elephants

Grattis Bryce!

Oscargalans Twilightöverraskning
Vad besviken man blev när detta var överraskningen! Jag hade hoppats på något nytt från BD, som bilder, videor, intervjuer etc...
För er som inte har sett "överraskningen" än, visar jag den nedan.
Via twilightsweden