Mackenzie Foy i AT&T-reklam
Taylors grymma bil
Taylor har nog mycket gemensamt med sin Jacob ändå...
He paid for a silver 2012 SLS AMG -- complete with gullwing doors -- and drove it off the lot that same day.
Score one -- a BIG, FAST, awesome one -- for Team Jacob.
Facts: the SLS AMG goes from 0-60 in less than 4 seconds ... and maxes out at nearly 200 mph."
Taylors grymma bil
Taylor har nog mycket gemensamt med sin Jacob ändå...
He paid for a silver 2012 SLS AMG -- complete with gullwing doors -- and drove it off the lot that same day.
Score one -- a BIG, FAST, awesome one -- for Team Jacob.
Facts: the SLS AMG goes from 0-60 in less than 4 seconds ... and maxes out at nearly 200 mph."
Photoshoot: Noot Seear (aka. Heidi)
Ny photoshoot med Mia Maestro (aka. Carmen)
Ryktet om Ashley och Kellan
They're already vampire costars and BFFs. And now, Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene may be moving in together!
The Twilight hunk tells me that he's considering splitting an apartment with his castmate so they can both be bicoastal.
'I was talking to Ashley about maybe sharing a place out here in New York,' Kellan told me last night at DKNY's Summer Sunglass Soiree in NYC.
So would they be actual roommates and everything?
'We're never here at the same time but we both love New York. So we'd be rooommates without being roommates...more like housemates!' he explained."
Kellan säger alltså först: "Jag pratade med Ashley om att kanske dela ett ställe här ute i New York. Vi är aldrig här samtidigt, men vi båda älskar New York. Så vi skulle vara rumskompisar utan att vara rumskompisar... mer som huskompisar!". Jag misstänker faktiskt ingen kärlek i detta, i alla fall inte kärlek-kärlek. De är nog bara väldigt goda vänner.
Kellan på DKNY's Summer Sunglass Soiree, där han avslöjade detta.
Wendell Pierce bekräftad castmedlem
Nya outtakes på Kellan Lutz
Jag skulle även länka en blogg där jag är med i tävling. (Tävlingen kräver länkning.)
[bilder via]
Nya outtakes på Ashley Greene
Castet för Teen Vouge 2010
Jag är helt övertygad om att Kristen inte valt de där kläderna själv.
Ashley Greene för Mark Cosmetics
Ashley Greenes nya bilder för Mark Cosmetics.
Förlåt för den dåliga kvaliteten.
Ny photoshoot med Maggie Grace (Irina)
Nya bilder på Ashley Greene av Carlos Armando
Ashley är helt makalöst vacker.
Kristen Stewart lär sig rida
De två paparazzibilderna föreställer Kristen på en häst och Kristen på väg till en yogakurs.
Roberts drömbröllop
I imagine it to be pretty simple. It's not exactly my style to fly in 500 different celebrities from around the world. My best friends now are the same best friends I had before everything got a little crazy. I would want it to just be family and close friends, not somebody I've said hello to once at an awards ceremony. I'm not interested in casual relationships, I need to know people, I'm not making an existential statement here, simply, I want a family with two or three kids."
När tidningen frågar var han vill gifta sig, svarar han "hemma".
"The weather in LA is great, but if I were to get married, I think I would like to do so back home."
Även Clevver TV har rapporterat om detta.
Ashley Greene för Mark Cosmetic
Via, och
Jackson Rathbone talat om Robert Pattinson och 100 Monkeys
Robert i Toronto
Nikkis förlovningsring
25 saker du inte visste om Peter Facinelli
1. I prefer Coffee Bean over Starbucks — noying because there are way more Starbucks.
2. I have two middle names.
3. I am addicted to my iPhone. Damn you, Steve Jobs. And when does the next one come out?
4. I was fifth runner-up on the third season of American Idol. (Not really, but do you really remember who was?)
5. I was a father at 22.
6. I love ’70s movies.
7. My father once waited on my favorite actor, Paul Newman. He made a photocopy of his credit card signature for me so he wouldn’t have to ask for his autograph.
8. My favorite hobby growing up was TV. Especially The Smurfs.
9. My oldest sister had the coolest Smurf collection. I stole it and gave it to my daughter. Only because I wanted it.
10. I don’t watch football, which is very unmanly to admit. Er, I mean, go Giants!
11. I missed Oprah’s final episode. Yes, just got my manhood back!
12. If aliens exist, I hope they clean up our Earth, bring a cure for cancer and also not eat us.
13. My poker face has been known to kill small pets.
14. I studied pre-law my first year of college.
15. I trained myself to fall asleep on planes pre-takeoff.
16. I have two motorcycles that I don’t ride enough.
17. I don’t remember my dreams.
18. I did a past-life reading once. I asked if I’d been Elvis Presley. They said no. I stopped the reading. They were obviously a fake.
19. Beach or snow? I’d pick beach.
20. My mom and dad were born in Italy and have the cutest accents.
21. Before I studied acting at NYU, I had the thickest New York accent. ”Carlisle” with a Queens accent would have never worked.
22. I’m a dual citizen of Italy and the United States.
23. I rarely watch TV, but I’m always on my laptop.
24. My first job was a paperboy.
25. I shot the sheriff. But I didn’t shoot the deputy.